
The consumer has 14 days to return the purchased equipment
100% satisfaction or we will refund your money, no questions asked.


How the 14-day money-back guarantee works:

- If you decide that for any reason the equipment received does not meet your expectations, write to us and send the parcel within 14 days from the date of receipt to our address from the warranty card.

- Detailed rules are specified in theAct of 30 May 2014 on consumer rights (Journal of Laws 2014, item 827).
- After receiving the goods, we will refund their value to the indicated account.
- The refund applies to the value of the equipment - it does not include the costs of services and software.

To sum up: You have 14 days to get to know and test our equipment for free. We work with you in mind, so we guarantee successful, risk-free shopping.

Return of goods:

Within 14 days of delivery of the ordered goods, the consumer has the right to return them without giving reasons as part of the withdrawal from the order. contracts, in accordance with the general principles arising from the provisions on concluding distance contracts. If you wish to exercise the above-mentioned right to return the goods, please deliver or return the goods to the address provided on the warranty card. Please attach a written declaration of withdrawal from the contract and the account number to which the store should return the payment to the return shipment.