Refurbished computers
The computers proposed below are sorted by popularity, but you can also sort them by price - from the cheapest proposals intended mainly for the office or the Internet - to the most efficient and reliable top-shelf computers. We always try to combine the offer of original, branded, post-lease used computers with an attractive price, which is why we recommend our range to those looking for good, reliable equipment but also savings. Leased computers, or used computers, are a chance for efficient and reliable equipment for both home and office. We invite you!
Refurbished computers - a chance to buy a cheap, solid and efficient top-shelf business computer.Off lease computers
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they have an advantage over new computers generally available in stores and supermarkets in that they usually come from the largest leading global corporations, so we are talking about the most efficient and reliable equipment in the world, with the help of which the latest achievements of our globe are designed and produced. The main players on the post-leasing equipment market are its largest manufacturers, such as Dell, HP, Lenovo and Fujitsu Siemens. Each of them offers computers intended for demanding business customers. Business series of individual brands include: Dell Optiplex and Precision, HP Elite, Elitedesk, Prodesk, Lenovo Thinkcentre, Thinkvision.
Why are post-lease computers an attractive purchase option? Post-lease computers come from the world's largest manufacturers and were used by companies for business purposes, which means they are efficient and reliable. Thanks to this, you can purchase the highest quality equipment at a lower price than new ones. Are the leased computers fully functional? Yes, before sale they are carefully checked, cleaned and restored to factory settings. What companies are the main suppliers of post-lease computers? The most popular companies producing computers for leasing include Dell, HP, Lenovo and Fujitsu Siemens. Do post-lease computers have any traces of use? They may have minor signs of external use, such as scratches, but these do not affect their functionality. How long is the warranty for post-lease computers? As standard, we provide a one-year warranty, but it can be extended to three years. How do post-lease computers differ from other used computers available on the market? Post-lease computers come directly from large companies and corporations that regularly replace equipment with new ones, while other used computers may come from individuals and their history may be unknown. Is purchasing a post-leasing computer a safe investment? Yes, purchasing a computer from a trusted post-lease supplier is a safe investment, especially since the equipment is covered by a warranty. Are there any hidden fees when purchasing a post-lease computer? No, the price is transparent and any additional costs are clearly stated before purchase. Can I count on support after purchasing a post-leasing computer? Yes, most companies offering post-lease equipment provide technical and service support in case of problems. Are post-lease computers adapted to the individual needs of the customer? Yes, many companies offer the possibility of adjusting the specifications of the computer, such as increasing RAM or replacing the disk, to adapt it to the customer's needs.
Well, yes, but stilloff lease computers are used. Should you be afraid of buying a used computer? Well, no worries. We provide a one-year warranty for post-lease computers, which can be extended to 3 years.
However, post-leasing equipment, which is sold because the largest companies need the most efficient solutions, should not be confused with individual private offers of used computers or laptops, the reason for which we are unable to verify. When purchasing from a person other than a company, we do not receive a purchase document or warranty. In this case, the risk associated with purchasing used equipment is generally much higher, and after the purchase, the buyer is often left to his own devices. Therefore, it is worth checking whether the equipment is sold by a company and whether it is a trustworthy company.
Refurbished computers - q&a:
Why are post-lease computers an attractive purchase option?
Post-lease computers come from the world's largest manufacturers and were used by companies for business purposes, which means they are efficient and reliable. Thanks to this, you can purchase the highest quality equipment at a lower price than new ones.
Are post-lease computers fully functional?
Yes, before sale they are thoroughly checked, tested and restored to factory settings.
What companies are the main producers of post-lease computers?
The most popular companies producing computers for leasing include Dell, HP, Lenovo and Fujitsu Siemens.
Do off lease computers have any traces of use?
They may have minor signs of external use, such as scratches, but these do not affect their operation or functionality.
How long is the warranty for post-lease computers?
As standard, we provide a one-year warranty, but it can be extended up to three years.
How do refurbished computers differ from other used computers available on the market?
Refurbished off lease computers come directly from large companies and corporations that regularly replace equipment with new ones, while other used computers may come from individuals and their history may be unknown.
Is purchasing a post-leasing computer a safe investment?
Yes, purchasing a computer from a trusted supplier of post-lease equipment is a safe investment, especially since the equipment is covered by a written warranty.
Are there any hidden fees when purchasing a post-lease computer?
No, the price is transparent and any additional costs are clearly stated before purchase.
Can I count on support after purchasing a post-leasing computer?
Yes, most companies offering post-lease equipment provide technical and service support in case of problems.
Are post-lease computers adapted to the individual needs of the customer?
Yes, many companies offer the possibility of adjusting the specifications of the computer, such as increasing RAM or replacing the disk, to adapt it to the customer's needs.